Mulberry Leaf

Mulberry tree medicinal uses
Mulberry tree is a medicinal plant. It is used therapeutically in many countries such as India, Japan, China, etc. Generally for medicinal purpose White Mulberry/Morus alba is used. In India, Decoction of the tree bark is given for lowering blood sugar and leaf decoction is used as diuretic/ stimulates production of urine.

In traditional Chinese medicine, various parts of Mulberry tree are used from time immemorial. The tree is known as Sang in Chinese and the fruit (sang shen), leaves (sang yè), and the root bark (sang bai pi) are used medicinally. The leaves are considered cooling and used to get relief from symptoms of lung heat like cough, fever and sore throat. Tree (Morus alba) leaves are used for bronchitis, cold and cough.

Mulberry leaf Herbal tea
Mulberry leaves can be used fresh or dried. The decoction (of 3-10 g leaves) is useful in maintaining good vision. Tea prepared from Mulberry leaves in combination with other herbs is beneficial in variety of diseases. A herbal tea of Mulberry leaves and chrysanthemum flowers gives relief in symptoms of fever, sore throat and dry eyes. This tea is folk remedy for conjunctive congestion with dryness, excessive tears and pain in the body. It is prepared by steeping few leaves of Mulberry, some dried flowers of chrysanthemum and rock salt in boiling water (about one cup) for three minutes. This is filtered and taken orally.

Another recipe of Mulberry Herbal tea is to take 16-18 pieces of Mulberry leaves, few curry leaves, one stalk of lemon grass and three pieces of Pandan leaves in a pot and boil for a few minutes. This is strained and taken orally. The herbal tea also reduces blood sugar. Eating leaves of Mulberry with black salt is also helpful in diabetes.

Wound healing
Mulberry leaves possess wound healing properties. The home remedy for wounds is to prepare a paste of leaves and apply topically.

Toothache, throat congestion
The leaves are also used for toothaches and throat congestion. For this purpose the juice of leaves is used as gargle.

Effective Against Diabetes
Mulberry leaves are anti-diabetic and many studies affirms this fact. The alkaloid component of leaves 1-deoxynojirimycin (found highest in soft leaves) is one of the most potent alpha-glucosidase inhibitor. Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors are oral anti-diabetic agents used for diabetes mellitus type 2 and work by preventing the digestion of carbohydrates. Therefore as a natural remedy herbal infusion of leaves can be taken. This can be prepared by soaking 1-3 grams of mulberry leaves in hundred ml boiling water for 5 minutes. On oral intake this herbal tea will exhibit inhibitory activity against sucrase, maltase and alpha-glucosidases enzymes.

There are number of biologically active compounds in extracts of the white mulberry leaves which are effective in suppressing the progression of atherosclerosis (disease of the arteries characterized by the deposition of fatty material on their inner walls) and the build-up of cholesterol-rich plaque in our arteries. The leaves extracts have properties that inhibit the oxidation of LDL-cholesterol or the bad cholesterol. Oxidized LDL is harmful as it contains free radicals. These free radicals can react with tissues and produce damage to them.

In India, a nutritional scientists group suggested that the white mulberry leaves can be a good food due to richness in protein content with good amino acid profile, high digestibility, high mineral content, low fibre content and good taste. These scientists also propose that a 1:4 mixture of mulberry-leaf powder and wheat flour would be suitable for making paratha for a nutritious diet. It is also believed regular consumption of mulberry leaves can stimulate the nervous system and help in maintaining proper functioning of the digestive tract.

Mulberry is a non-toxic, edible tree. You can eat its fruits as well as leaves without any side-effects. In Thailand, Mulberry leaves are consumed in many ways. Herbal tea prepared from the leaves is also very popular in China and Thailand.

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