
A good food for hemorrhoids, water retention, and blood building. It is an excellent brain tonic and aids deep thinking.



Good for eye health

Diarrhoea and dysentery: Well-steamed carrots with ghee are the first vegetable to eat after an episode of diarrhea or dysentery and help in gut healing. Carrots are an important prebiotic food to aid restoration of your microbiome.

Haemorrhoids: 1 cup carrot juice with 2 tsp. cilantro juice twice daily on an empty stomach.

Sprue and malabsorption: 1 cup carrot juice with a pinch of trikatu twice daily. (Trikatu consists of dry ginger, black pepper and pippali or long pepper. If you don't have trikatu use dry ginger instead).

Chronic indigestion: 1 cup carrot juice with 1 pinch dry ginger powder daily.

Cancer support: Combine ½ cup carrot juice and ½ cup aloe vera juice and take twice daily.

Alcohol detox: Take 1 cup carrot-beet-cucumber juice daily and eat a daily portion of Liver Cleanse Sabji.

Probiotic support: In North India it is traditional to make a lacto-fermented carrot beverage known as kanji for probiotic support.

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