
Also Known As
Blue Agave or Tequila Agave


Parts Used
Core of the cactus-like plant

Traditional Use and Health Benefits
Agave is a cactus-like plant native to Mexico. It’s the same plant as Tequila comes from. The Agave syrup is sweeter than honey, though less viscous. The syrup naturally contains quantities of Iron, Calcium, Potassium & Magnesium which contribute to the resulting color.

Agave syrup is mostly cooked during production, however this Agave syrup is raw and a minimum of heat is used. The method used to produce this syrup uses enzymes to hydrolyze the polyfructose extract into fructose, using an enzyme derived from Aspergillus niger (black mold).

Agave syrup is made up of fructose rather than glucose so it is absorbed easier, and needs less insulin to break it down, it also absorbs slowly into the bloodstream, decreasing the highs and lows associated with sugar intake.

It has a very low low glycemic index (GI). This means it does not significantly raise blood sugar levels. This makes it particularly suitable for those with sensitivites to sugar. Agave syrup makes a good alternative to honey, maple syrup, dates, sugar and other sweeteners.

Therapeutic Uses, Benefits and Claims of Agave Americana
agave herb
Agave Americana – ©The Herbal Resource
The juice made from the agave plant contains estrogen-like isoflavonoid, alkaloids, coumarin and vitamins B1, B2, C, D and K, and provitamin A.

Agave americana has antiseptic, wound-healing and anti-inflammatory properties, which explains its uses externally as a medicinal herb to treat burns, bruises, minor cuts, injuries and skin irritation caused by insect bites.
In Central America, the juice from the agave plant has, for a long time, been used as a treatment for wounds. The Aztecs and Mayans used agave juice and egg whites to make a poultice that was then laid on wounds to speed healing.

Traditionally, it was used internally to treat ulcers, stomach inflammation, tuberculosis, jaundice and other liver diseases, syphilis, and menstrual problems. Additionally it is used as a treatment for high fever by inducing sweat.

A poultice made from the root and the leaves are often used to treat a toothache.
Agave americana was used as an herbal remedy for weak digestion, intestinal gas, and constipation. The juice has antibacterial properties and can be used internally to control the growth of decay bacteria in the stomach and intestines.

Although agave seems like a laxative, the herb can also be used as a treatment for diarrhea and dysentery.

This medicinal herb is the source for hecogenin, a compound used in the production of many steroidal drugs.

Agave is also a food source. The flower stalks and the base leaves of agave americana can be roasted and consumed. A sweet juice which is tapped from the flower stalks, can be drunk or used to make an alcoholic beverage such as pulque.
Other agave species are also used to make traditional alcoholic drinks such as mescal and tequila, which is made from Agave angustifolia and Agave salmiana.

The leaves from both Agave americana and the sisal agave (Agave sisalana) are used to make woven mats and also to make paper. The sharp thorns at the tip of the leaves of Agave Americana also serve as needles and nails.

An extract of the leaves or the roots is used to make soap. The plant contains saponins, which can form a lather in water that’s sometimes effective for cleaning. The leaves or roots are cut into small pieces and then simmered in water to extract the saponins.